"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." Thanks for visiting. I started in the insurance business in 1993 and later became a captive agent with Guardian Life in 1994 and still maintain a broker's contract with them to this day. Since that time, I have become an independent broker and agent with fine companies such as, Midland National life, Mutual of Omaha,Mass Mutual and Principal among others. I try to focus on affordable insurance solutions that meet the needs of small business owners and anyone interested in being educated about their available options. Whether you're searching for Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, or annuities, it's wise to be well-informed and advised to get the most out of your dollars. An experienced and independent agent who represents multiple insurance carriers can make a significant difference.
Disability Insurance
Is your income important to you? If so,what is your plan to replenish cash flow in the event of a disruption specifically due to becoming sick or hurt since this is your greatest threat? According to government statistics, slightly more than 1 in 3.57 Americans between the ages of 20 and 65 will become disabled at some point in their working lives. That's about 28 percent. The average length of a long-term disability is 31.6 months with 1 in 5 disabilities lasting 5 years or more. About 1 in 20 Americans will be disabled permanently. We have a false image of disability. More than 90 percent of disabilities are due to sickness with less than 10 percent being due to accidents and injuries. About 70 percent of working Americans have no plan in place for Disability Income Protection. I would be happy to speak with you about the options available. Additionally, please see the following links for a third-party perspectives regarding disability insurance. https://www.disabilitycounsel.net
Click here for more great information on disability insurance applicable to most professionals:
Life Insurance
Your family should always come first. You would not want them to bear huge and unexpected financial burdens at the time of your passing. Life insurance will transfer wealth, pay for your funeral service, help your family keep their home, pay the bills and other expenses needed to keep your family moving in a positive direction.
Why Should I Call This Agency for Insurance?
Good question. There are a lot of insurance agents out there, and it may seem like any agent or broker is as good as another. Let's face it, insurance jargon can be confusing. After over 30 years, I have experienced the ins and outs of the insurance business. My knowledge of many companies and products can work to your advantage. In fact, different insurance companies often charge vastly different premiums for the same coverage. As an independent agent, I am not employed by one particular company. Instead, I can help you select insurance products from among those companies that best address your unique concerns.